Using the Neubie with FND: A Case Study
2 minute read
Emily first came to see me in June 2024 after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in November 2023.
During our free online consultation, Emily and her partner described her current presentation, with the primary symptoms being: functional seizures (also known as dissociative seizures), walking limited to 150m on average, sensitivity to light, sound and heat, episodes of temporary paralysis, poor sleep, and needing to be carried up stairs by her partner at the end of the day due to fatigue.
The most disruptive of these symptoms was the functional seizures, with nearly endless ‘triggers’ that would cause episodes of dissociation, or even temporary whole body paralysis.
At her worst, Emily was having a seizure every 20 minutes.
A framework for understanding the physiological processes associated with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)
During our first 2-day intensive treatment using the Neubie, consisting of two 2-hour sessions on consecutive days, we gradually introduced Emily’s nervous system to the direct current electrical stimulation in various locations around her body.
After just the first day (2 hours of treatment), Emily managed her first 24 hour period without experiencing a single seizure, as well as reporting improved energy levels and sleep overnight.
By the time we’d finished session 2 the next day, Emily was still yet to experience a seizure, marking a huge milestone for her and her partner, as well as filling us with hope that the Neubie was going to have a real positive impact on their lives.
Over the next 2 weeks, Emily experienced a total of just 2 seizures, down from one every 20 minutes. Not only this, but her average walking distance increased from just 150 meters before treatment, to 500+ meters after treatment.
With just 4 hours of treatment using the Neubie, we were already seeing incredible changes.
Emily pushing a weighted sled whilst being stimulated by the Neubie.
Not long ago, I saw Emily and her partner for her fourth 2-day Intensive, and was over the moon as she walked through the door literally a different person to when I first met her 4 months ago.
Her seizures are down to 1 every other day on average, whilst also being much easier to handle and recover from.
She’s experienced 0 episodes of temporary paralysis since her first treatment session.
She’s now able to walk over 1km on good days, and 600m on bad days.
Her partner no longer has to carry her up the stairs.
Light, sound and heat no longer act as major triggers for her seizures.
Her sleep’s much better and appetite has returned.
All after just 10 hours of treatment with the Neubie.
Here’s what Emily had to say about her experience:
"The support from George and the Neubie has truly given me a fresh start and helped me regain some control of my life. It's the only treatment that has made a real difference to my health and mobility. Thanks to their help, my mobility has improved, allowing me to walk more. The neubie has also significantly reduced my sensitivity to light and sound, helping me regain a somewhat sense of normalcy."
If you’ve been diagnosed with a neurological condition such as FND, and want to hear more about how the Neubie could help you, click the button below to book in for a FREE online video consultation with me.