Using the Neubie to Improve Walking in Multiple Sclerosis
Reading time - 2 mins
When Jo first came to me in May 2024, her primary goal was to improve her walking, which had been affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Specifically, her dream outcome was to be able to walk without assistance from her Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) device.
Diagnosed with MS 16 years prior, Jo initially presented with complete foot drop on her right side and an inability to flex her hip, both of which lead to her swinging her leg out to the side as she walked, rather than swinging it straight through.
Jo’s walking on 29th May 2024 - Notice the right leg circumducting to the outside as she swings it through
During her first 3-day intensive treatment using the Neubie, we saw almost immediate improvements. Most notably, after just the first 2-hour session, Jo regained her ability to actively wiggle her toes for the first time in 10+ years. This was primarily attributed to the ‘foot bath’, one of my favourite techniques to use with the Neubie.
Jo wiggling her toes for the first time in 10 years during a foot bath using the Neubie - much to her husband and I’s amazement!
The foot is submerged in water along with a carbon fibre electrode. The water, being an electrical conductor, acts as an ‘electric blanket’ of sorts, smothering the entire foot in direct current electrical stimulation. This helps the brain to sense the foot and toes better, providing significantly more potential for movement.
The highlight of this first 3-day intensive for me was on day 3, when Jo reported that she’d struggled to get to sleep the night before as she lay in bed wiggling her toes, unable to believe what she was feeling.
A month later, we reconvened in Harpenden for a 1-day intensive, consisting of a 2-hour morning session, followed by a 2-hour session in the afternoon. Her ability to wiggle her toes had continued to improve in the time between our appointments, even without using the Neubie, so our focus shifted to the ankle and some walking technique drills.
By the end of the day, Jo had regained the ability to independently lift her foot up, without any stimulation from the Neubie, marking a huge milestone in her journey as someone who was suffering with complete foot drop.
Jo lifting her foot independently without assistance from me or the Neubie for the first time
I was delighted to receive a text from Jo the following day reading:
“I have been into town today (lots of people and uneven pavements). I have been on my feet and walking around there for more than 2 hours. I have been practicing your cues to walk well. I seem to be walking without needing to hold on to anything!! On its own, this is an amazing improvement for me, but I have had no electrical stimulation all day so my mind is blown.”
In just 1 month, and 10 hours of treatment using the Neubie, Jo had achieved her dream outcome of walking without needing to use her FES device.
Not long after this, we completed what would be our last 2-day intensive treatment back at Progress Clinic in Portishead. Jo reported that she was no longer using her FES device to walk at all, as her walking was as good without it as it was with it. We continued to work on gait re-education drills designed to help her brain feel more comfortable during both the stance phase (foot on the floor) and swing phase (foot in the air), all whilst using the Neubie to stimulate various muscles that were most affected by her MS.
The video below shows Jo’s walking during our final treatment session, whilst performing a drill where the focus is on taking exaggerated steps with the right leg. Notice her new ability to lift the leg straight through, whilst also lifting the foot up, eliminating her previous circumduction pattern.
Jo’s walking on the 20th August 2024
This story highlights the incredible power of the Neubie, and its ability to help those with neurological conditions such as MS improve their movement and function, when combined with effective rehabilitation strategies.
If you or someone you know has MS, or any other neurological condition, and want to know more about how I can help, click the button below to book in for a FREE online consultation.